This documentation describes the usage instructions for SPL Compiler (System Programmer’s Language Compiler),
APL Compiler (Application Programmer’s Language Compiler) , XFS Interface (eXperimental File System Interface) and
XSM Simulator (eXperimental String Machine).
XFS Interface
XFS Interface (eXperimental File System Interface) is an external interface to access the filesystem of the XOS.
The filesystem is simulated on a binary file called disk.xfs. The interface can format the disk,
load/remove files, list files and copy blocks to a UNIX file. See Filesystem specification.
Type the command help in the interface to display the list of commands.
Format the disk
The command fdisk is used to create the disk (”disk.xfs”) or to format the disk if already created.
On a newly created disk or formatted disk the Disk Free List and FAT entries are initialized.
Syntax: fdisk
Load Files
The command load is used to load files from the UNIX filesystem to the XFS disk.
The type of the file that is loaded is specified by the first argument. The second argument <pathname>
is the path to the UNIX file which is to be loaded to the filesystem.
The command checks the size of the file (executable or data files) and allocates blocks to it.
A corresponding FAT entry is created for the file. For the OS startup code, interrupt routines and
exception handler, the file is loaded to the corresponding location in the disk ( Refer disk organization ).
Syntax: load --exec <pathname>
Loads an executable file to XFS disk
Syntax: load --init <pathname>
Loads INIT code to XFS disk
Syntax: load --data <pathname>
Loads a data file to XFS disk
Syntax: load --os <pathname>
Loads OS startup code to XFS disk
Syntax: load --int=timer <pathname>
Loads Timer Interrupt routine to XFS disk
Syntax: load --int=[1-7] <pathname>
Loads the specified Interrupt routine to XFS disk
Syntax: load --exhandler <pathname>
Loads exception handler routine to XFS disk
Remove Files
The command rm is used to remove files from the filesystem. The first argument specifies the type of file
to be removed. The argument <xfs_filename> specifies the file which is to be removed.
The command searches the FAT entries for the file (executable/data file) and clears the blocks
corresponding to the file. In the case of OS startup code, interrupt routines and exception handler
the corresponding blocks in the disk are cleared.
Syntax: rm --exec <xfs_filename>
Removes an executable file from XFS disk
Syntax: rm --init
Removes INIT code from XFS disk
Syntax: rm --data <xfs_filename>
Removes a data file from XFS disk
Syntax: rm --os
Removes OS startup code from XFS disk
Syntax: rm --int=timer
Removes the Timer Interrupt routine from XFS disk
Syntax: rm --int=[1-7]
Removes the specified Interrupt routine from XFS disk
Syntax: rm --exhandler
Removes the exception handler routine from XFS disk
List Files
The command ls lists all the files which are loaded into the filesystem.
The size of the file is also displayed in number of words.
The FAT entries are traversed and all the files and their corresponding sizes are displayed.
Syntax: ls
Display Disk Free List
The command df displays the disk free list.
It also displays the total number of blocks and the number of free blocks.
Syntax: df
Display File contents
The command cat displays the contents of a file in the filesystem.
The FAT entries are searched to get the blocks corresponding to the file. The blocks are displayed.
Syntax: cat <xfs_filename>
Copy disk blocks to a UNIX file
The command copy copies the contents of specified blocks in the filesystem to an
external UNIX file. The arguments <start_block> and <end_block> denotes the range of blocks to be copied
(including both). <unix_filename> specifes the destination UNIX file to which the contents are copied to.
Syntax: copy <start_block> <end_block> <unix_filename>
Display help
The command help displays the general syntax and function of all the commands.
Syntax: help
Exit Interface
The command exit quits the inteface.
Syntax: exit
Example Usage
To load a file os_startup.xsm ( which you created using SPL compiler ) located in $HOME/myxos/spl into the xfs filesystem
cd $HOME/myxos/xfs-interface
This will show the xfs-interface.
First issue a fdisk command. This will create a disk.xfs file in the directory $HOME/myxos/xfs-interface. This file simulates the hard disk for XSM (Machine Simulator).
Now use the load command to load the os_startup.xsm.
load --os $HOME/myxos/spl/samples/os_startup.xsm
If you want to see whether load command works properly, copy the block 0 (from 0 to 0) in disk.xfs back to a unix file, say $HOME/myxos/xfs-interface/test
copy 0 0 $HOME/myxos/xfs-interface/test
Now open test to see the contents of os_startup.xsm
GCC (GNU project C and C++ compiler)
Flex / Lex (Fast Lexical Analyser Generator)
Bison / Yacc (GNU Project Parser Generator)
Within your XSM directory, use the following command to run the simulator
--debug : This flag sets the machine into DEBUG mode when it encounters a BRKP machine instruction. Further details are given in the section below.
--timer=value : This flag sets the number of instructions after which timer interrupt is triggered to value. --timer=0 disables the timer. The range of value is from 0 to 1024
The --debug flag is used to debug the running machine. When this flag is set and the machine encounters a breakpoint instruction, it is set into the DEBUG mode. In this mode a prompt is displayed which allows the user to enter commands to inspect the state of the machine.
The commands in DEBUG mode are
step / s :
The execution proceeds by a single step
continue / c :
The execution proceeds till the next breakpoint instruction.
reg / r :
Displays the contents of all the registers in the machine namely IP, SP, BP, PTBR, PTLR, EFR, R0-R7, S0-S15 and T0-T3.
Sample usage: reg
reg / r <register_name> :
Displayes the content of the specified register.
Sample usage: r R5, reg PTLR
reg / r <register_name_1> <register_name_1> :
Displays the contents of the registers from <register_name_1> to <register_name_1>.
mem / m <page_num> :
Displays contents of the memory page <page_num>.
Sample usage: mem 5, m 20
mem / m <page_num_1> <page_num_2> :
Displays the contents of the memory from pages <page_num_1> to <page_num_2>.
Sample usage: mem 5 8, m 0 10
pcb / p :
Displays the Process Control Block of the process with the state as RUNNING.
pcb / p <pid> :
Displays the Process Control Block of the process with the given <pid>.
pagetable / pt :
Displays the Page Table at the location pointed by PTBR (Page Table Base Register).
pagetable / pt <pid> :
Displays the <pid>th Page Table.
filetable / ft :
Displays the System Wide Open File Table.
memfreelist / mf :
Displays the Memory Free List.
diskfreelist / df :
Displays the Memory copy of Disk Free List.
fat :
Displays the memory copy of the File Allocation Table (FAT).
location / l <address> :
Displays the content at memory address (Address Translation takes place if used in USER mode).
watch / w <physical_address> :
Sets a watch point to this address. Watch point is used to track changes of a particular memory location. Whenever a word which is watched is altered, debug interface is invoked. Atmost 16 watch points can be set.
watchclear / wc :
Clears all the watch points.
exit / e :
Exits the debug prompt and halts the machine.
help / h :
Displays commands.